
(nextflipdebug2) #1

>>>Choose carefully who you delegate a task to. Assess^
the probability of things going wrong.

>>>Only delegate tasks that can be clearly defined. If you^
can’t specify the desired outcome and timeframe, it is
unreasonable to expect someone to succeed.

Delegate time-consuming, recurring tasks.

>>>Check that the person to whom you are delegating
shares your understanding of the task in hand.

>>>Monitor progress and provide support—you cannot
abdicate responsibility after delegating.

>>>Delegating means allowing people to find their own
solutions: you must accept that these will not
necessarily be the same as your solutions.

>>>Don’t apportion blame if things don’t work out:
remember it is you who shoulders responsibility
for ultimate success or failure.

>>>Establish and agree on milestones, working
procedures, resources, and deadlines.

Delegating successfully
Delegation is a critical leadership skill,
and one that—when done well—has
great benefits for you and your team.
It liberates your schedule, makes
members of your team feel valued,

and develops capabilities in people
throughout the organization. Delegating
well requires more than just handing
a task over to a subordinate, there are
many issues you need to consider
carefully before you act.

How to delegate

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