
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Am I on track to reach my goal? YES NO

Create an indicator of success for each of the objectives in your success
map by asking yourself:

1 Do I understand why this objective is important? ...........................

2 Do I know how it links into my success map? ..................................

3 Can I identify what is to be achieved and by when? ........................

4 Can I measure this? ..........................................................................

5 Do I know how often I should reflect on progress? .......................

6 Do I know what I should do if the objective is not being met? .........

Write your vision down in

a vision statement. This
should not be longer than

a paragraph, but needs to
contain all the attributes

that are important to you

Creating a plan
A good plan for your future needs to
include four key elements:

  • A vision statement that describes
    where you want to be

  • A set of objectives that, if achieved,
    will lead you to the vision

  • A “success map” showing how these
    objectives link together

  • An indicator describing what success
    will look like at each stage.
    Think first about your vision of the
    future: is it all about a single goal,
    such as becoming president of a
    multinational company, or is it about a
    lifestyle, such as being a wealthy and
    respected partner in a law firm? Use
    some of the exercises described over the
    previous pages to help you think about
    your vision. Next, write your vision down
    in a vision statement. This should not
    be longer than a paragraph, but needs
    to contain all the attributes that are

Developing a vision
Once you have a clear idea of your overall
vision for the future, break it down into
its main constituent parts. Do this by
creating a set of top-level objectives you
will need to achieve to reach your vision.

important to you. Spend time on this
statement; it is the important first
step in planning your future.

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