
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Working effectively
To help you work quickly and effectively,
always keep your desk clean and ensure
that frequently used items are readily
available to hand. The same goes for
information you use regularly. Set up
favorites for websites; keep a list of
who knows what, and of key phone
numbers; and use an old-fashioned
card index for storing nuggets of
information you refer to often.
Build thinking time into your
schedule: travel is often considered
to be a time-waster, but it can also
provide just the change of pace and
scenery you need to do some valuable
creative thinking.


>>^ Prepare everything you^
want to say before you call.
>> Talking on the telephone
helps build relationships,
but sometimes emailing
instead avoids distraction.
>>^ If someone calls you and you’re
short on time, tell them you will
call them back at a specific
time. Be sure always to follow
up on your promise.

of office workers

have a smartphone,

and 33% of them

use it to check their

emails more than

20 times every day

during working hours

and at home

90 %

Set aside 15 minutes

every so often to collect
messages and return

calls. Let people know you
will be unavailable between

certain times

Focusing your actions

US_190-191_Managing_your_time_3.indd 190 30/05/16 3:03 pm

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