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Saying “no”

Successful people know what they want and how they are going to get
it, and say “no” when what they are being asked to do doesn’t fit in with
their plans. Being successful is as much about what you decide not to
do as what you decide to do.

Maintaining a balance
We all have to keep a balance in our lives. You have
to balance what your employer wants from you with
what you get from your employer. The latter doesn’t
only mean money, but also the training you receive,
the experience you get, and the opportunities that
working for the company opens up for your career.

Assessing work time
You also have to balance your working life and your
family life. If you want to get ahead, the company
you work for will expect some commitment and
flexibility, but you do not have to be a doormat.
Decide how much time you are willing to give to
the company and how much you will keep for your
family, and then stick to it consistently. There will
be times when intensive effort is required and
you may have to put in long hours, but if
your employer doesn’t reciprocate,
you should consider your position.

Fight the urge to
work long hours
to try to impress
your bosses. For
a senior position,
employers prefer
a well-rounded
individual to
a workaholic.


Decide how much
time you are

willing to give
to the company

and how much
you will keep for

your family, and
then stick to it

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