
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Using visuals effectively
Good visuals have a number of
characteristics in common. The most
important is simplicity. The more
complex a visual display becomes,
the more difficult it is for an audience
to understand. Keep your visuals clear,
ordered, and simple when trying to
explain an important idea or relationship.
Good visuals use color to explain and
attract. Very few people tend to have
exactly the same taste in colors, but
almost everyone appreciates occasions
when colors are used meaningfully and
consistently. Certain traditions, such as

Using visuals well

carefully about
the needs and
interests of
your audience
as you plan
your visual aids

visuals that
capture the
essence of your
main points

Using color
in a consistent,
careful manner
so that related
items are
and grouped

Making sure
your visual
support is
simple, crisp,
clean, and

using red numbers or bars to indicate
a loss and black ones to indicate profit,
allow audiences to quickly grasp
information. Try using a simple legend
to explain color use on your charts and
graphs; it helps the audience and will
ensure consistency and simplicity in
your visual aids.

Keep your visuals clear and
simple when trying to

explain an important idea

US_262-263_Developing_Visual_Support.indd 262 30/05/16 3:04 pm

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