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Using email and

texts effectively

Email is now a key means of staying in touch, passing data and graphics,
and managing the flow of information needed to run a business. Text,
or SMS, messaging, when properly managed, can also become a
productivity booster, a direct, interactive link to customers, and an
essential tool to communicate with other staff.

Pick the subject line of the email
carefully: make it informative
and brief so the recipient can
easily find and act on it.

Be careful with criticism: be
sure to provide enough context
and background to avoid a

Keep it short. If you need more
than three paragraphs, call
instead or send the material
as an attachment.

Sending better emails

Reducing your emailing time
Email is a tool; don’t let it become your
master. Limit the time you spend on
email by following these tips:

  • Send less, get less Think carefully^
    about whether you really need to draft
    new messages or respond to those
    you’ve already received.

  • Escape the endless reply loop Silence^
    in response to an email message may
    feel rude, but is acceptable. If you wish

to reassure someone that no reply
is necessary, finish a message with
“no reply needed,” or a request
with “Thanks in advance.” Avoid
asking any questions for which you
don’t really want or need answers.

  • Think twice about the “cc” box If you
    copy in a large number of people to
    your emails and they all respond with
    a reply that needs an answer, you may
    create unnecessary traffic.


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