
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Now write the main body
of the email, using correct
grammar, punctuation,
and capitalization.

Avoid abbreviations and
cyberjargon: most business
professionals dislike them.
WIDLTO (when in doubt, leave
them out).

Use a signature to conclude your
email, but keep it simple: don’t
be tempted to add humorous
or “inspiring” quotes.

Before you send the email,
check your attachments. Send
only those that your recipient
needs or wants to see.

Knowing when email is not appropriate YES NO

1 Do I need to convey or discern emotion? .........................................

2 Do I need to cut through the communication clutter? ...................

3 Do I need to move quickly? ...............................................................

4 Do I want a remote communication to be private? ..........................

5 Am I trying to reach someone who doesn’t have
(or check) email? ..............................................................................

6 Do I want to engage people and get an immediate response?.......

Be sparing in your use of email: think very carefully
about whether you really need to draft new messages

or respond to those you’ve already received

2 3

6 7

US_276-277_Using_Email_and_Texts.indd 277 30/05/16 3:04 pm

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