
(nextflipdebug2) #1


Closing the sale
First ask the prospect’s opinion about
the benefits you’re offering, using a
question such as: “How does this
sound to you?” If this throws up any
objections, handle them as they arise.
Don’t repeat negative statements or
concerns; focus on positive outcomes.
There are various ways to close a sale,
so choose the one that is most
appropriate to your situation.

Selling is both a form of persuasion and a process of relationship
building. Most people don’t want to feel as if they’re being sold
something; they would prefer to believe that they’re buying it.
This involves a balance of thoughtful questions, active listening,
and a well-prepared presentation.



Ask the prospect to make
low-risk decisions on
minor, low-cost elements.
Then ask for the order.

Ways to close a sale

Prospecting and presenting
Selling involves actively looking for
prospects who have the money, the
authority, and a desire to buy. Before you
contact a prospect, make sure that they
fulfill these criteria, and that you know
both what you want to achieve, and how.
Develop a presentation that you can
deliver confidently. This may be entirely
memorized, formulaic (allowing some
buyer–seller interaction), or entirely
flexible and interactive.
If you’re offering a solution to a specific
problem, base your proposal around a
detailed analysis of the buyer’s situation.
Before you contact a prospect, always:

  • Determine your call objectives. Are
    they specific, measurable, achievable,
    realistic, and well-timed?

  • Develop a customer profile. What^
    do you know about the person who
    is making the buying decision?

  • Familiarize yourself with all the
    customer benefits.

  • Develop a sales presentation.

Develop a presentation that
you can deliver confidently.

It may be memorized,
formulaic, or entirely

flexible and interactive

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