
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Establishing your presence
You can win the attention and respect of
an audience before you begin simply
through your posture, and by the way you
occupy the space around you. Even if
you cannot rearrange the seating in the
room, you should become familiar with
the room, your position, and the lines of
sight—“owning” the space will make you
feel more comfortable and confident.
Give yourself room to move, and make
sure the audience can see your hands;
don’t trap yourself behind a desk or use
the lectern as a shield—the audience
may interpret your position as defensive.

If nerves deter you from
using your body, hold a
prop—such as a pen or
wireless remote—in one
hand until you find your
comfort level and confidence.


Do I appear confident? YES NO

When you are confident,

you behave naturally,
and in the full expectation

of a positive outcome

1 Is my eye contact strong? ..........................................................

2 Am I projecting my voice? ..........................................................

3 Am I maintaining good posture? .................................................

4 Are my hand gestures natural? .................................................

5 Is my language conversational? .................................................

6 Are my movements purposeful? .................................................

7 Do I appear calm and in control? .................................................

of a second is all it takes for

people to assess each other


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