
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Rid your performance of any
visible signs of discomfort
you may be feeling. Avoid
nervous mannerisms such as
putting your hands stiffly
behind your back, looking
down at the floor, playing with
jewelry or hair or fiddling
with your sleeves or buttons.


THE 7-38-55 RULE
According to a study by Dr.
Albert Mehrabian of the
University of California, how
much we like someone when
we first meet them depends
only 7 percent on what they
say. Tone of voice accounts
for 38 percent. The remaining
55 percent is body language
and facial expression. This is
known as the 7-38-55 rule.

In focus

inconsistent with your words. Your
stance, gestures, and eye contact must
support what you say; in the event of any
conflicting information, the audience will
tend to believe what your body language
appears to be saying.
Start your presentation with a neutral
but authoritative posture. Maintain a
balanced stance, with your feet slightly
apart and your weight spread evenly
between them. Keep upright, facing
the front, with shoulders straight, not
hunched, and your arms loosely and
comfortably at your sides. Don’t lean on
a chair or perch on furniture for support.

Timing your movement
For the first 30 seconds of your
presentation, try not to move your feet.
This “anchoring” will help establish your
authority with your audience. As you build
rapport, you can relax your posture—this
will help win you trust and make the
audience feel much more comfortable—
leaning forward sends a positive and
friendly message.

Your stance, gestures,

and eye contact must
support what you say, the

audience will believe
your body language


seconds at the start

of your presentation

should be spent standing

in a balanced stance

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