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Using teleprompters
Text-display devices such as hidden
screens and teleprompters can avoid
the need for a podium. They allow you
to appear more fully engaged with your
audience by looking in their general
direction as you read and delivering
your text more naturally.
However, it takes practice to use
these devices well. You need to be
sufficiently at ease with them, so they
aren’t a distraction, either to you or
your audience.

Follow these simple steps in order to ensure a smooth,
professional performance:
>> Teleprompters do vary. Rehearse with the actual
device you will be using.
>>^ As with every visual aid, make sure you are in control.
Be sure to set your own pace of delivery.

>>^ If your script is hard to read in this format, rewrite it.^
Adjustments now will pay off later.

>>^ Build in and script pauses to sound natural.
>>^ Read ahead in phrases to look more natural.
>> Deliberately increase your blink rate in order
to prevent “teleprompter stare.”

Teleprompters allow you to

appear more fully engaged
with your audience by looking

in their general direction
and delivering your text

more naturally

How to use teleprompters

US_352-353_Succeeding_speeches_2.indd 353 30/05/16 3:06 pm

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