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Tailoring your strategy
Make sure that your negotiating strategy and behavior
reflects the other party’s situation and approach. For
example, in many negotiations, the other party is free to
leave or join the negotiating table as they wish. In some
cases, however, the parties are bonded together over the
long term and cannot simply walk away, and your strategy
should reflect this.
Some negotiators prefer to negotiate away from the
public eye, while others insist on keeping all stakeholders
and the public informed. Consider which mode is more
advantageous to you, taking into account the sensitivity of
the issues, the history between the parties, and the legal
and governance systems of each party.
Some negotiation counterparts observe formal
protocols in negotiations, while others are freer in what can
and cannot be said. Take particular care to do your research
when negotiating internationally to learn the formalities
expected of you.

>>^ Better understanding of what
can be accomplished.

>>^ Proposals are more likely to^
be accepted.
>> Ability to adjust your strategy
as the situation changes.
>>^ Successful negotiations and
superior outcomes.

^ Better trade-offs on the issues.

Advantages of knowing
your counterpart

25 %

of people in an


survey trust

others. 78% of the

Danish population

trust each other,

Making concessions

the most trusting

nation in the world.

US_374-375_Understanding_your_counterpart.indd 375 30/05/16 3:06 pm

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