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Interacting informally
In your interactions with the other party,
take advantage of any opportunities to
express your appreciation genuinely
and congratulate them for their
achievements. Use small talk and humor
where appropriate—taking opportunities
to interact informally will help you build a
relationship. Be cautious, however, and

use “safe humor” so as not to offend the
other party. Where possible, focus on the
common ground between you. You may
find that similarities are personal (you
may share the same hobby, for example)
or ideological, such as a similar business
philosophy. These findings offer a solid
start for building a long-lasting, friendly,
and constructive business relationship.

Thinking long-term
You should also protect the “face,” or
dignity, of others and treat them with
respect when you are taking more
from a deal than they are. This is
especially helpful when you are trying
to build long-term relationships.

In team negotiations, it can work well
to include socially skilled negotiators
in your team who can take greater
responsibility for building lasting
relationships, while other team
members (contract negotiators) focus
more on the specific issues.

US_392-393_Building_relationships.indd 393 30/05/16 3:06 pm

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