
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Gaining allies
Next, focus on the allies who agree with
your vision and are trustworthy, but who
do not hold positions of power at the
moment; they may gain influence as the
negotiation proceeds. Ignore the weak
adversaries: those who disagree with
your agenda and have little influence.
At the same time, think how you could
block your powerful adversaries.

Can you make a coalition with one of their
potential partners? Coalition partners
are often motivated solely by gains.
Once the gains elsewhere are higher,
they may defect, so you should attempt
to cement integrity within the coalition.
One way to do this is to ask each partner
to make a public commitment to the
coalition, making it harder for them
to defect.

Focus on the

allies who agree
with your vision

US_436-437_Dealing_parties_3.indd 437 30/05/16 3:07 pm

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