Chinese business leaders invest heavily in making interpersonal
connections and creating a dependable social network, known as
“guanxi.” They prefer to do business within their trusted network.
The Confucian teaching xinping qihe, meaning “being perfectly
calm,” makes it difficult for Western negotiators to “read” their
counterparts and to know where they stand.
The concept of fairness is based on needs: those who have more
should give to those with less.
Asian businesses like to do business with trustworthy individuals
rather than faceless organizations. The lengthy process of building
trust is based on openness, mutual assistance, understanding,
and the formation of emotional bonds.
Dignity and prestige are gained when individuals behave morally
and achieve accomplishments. Face is a formidable force in the
Asian psyche that negotiators in Western organizations must be
particularly aware of.
You risk insulting your Asian counterpart if you emphasize
penalties for not honoring commitments in detail. Contracts are
short and merely a tangible expression of the relationships being
created. They are not treated as “fixed” legal instruments.
Although Chinese and Japanese societies are hierarchical, they
use the consensus style of decision-making. Lead negotiators
refrain from dictating a decision in order to preserve
relationships and give face to others.
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