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Being a mediator

Defining mediation
Mediation is a structured process in which an
impartial third party facilitates the resolution of
a conflict between two negotiating parties. For
mediation to be successful, the person selected to
mediate a dispute must be acceptable to both of the
parties. They must be entirely happy that the
mediator is unbiased and will assess the
circumstances of the dispute objectively.

Acting appropriately
If you are asked to mediate a dispute, you
need to be certain that you will be able
to remain impartial and not let yourself
get swept up in the emotional side of
what is taking place. Your role will
require you to look at the situation
from the perspective of each of
the disputing parties to find
areas of common ground
between them, and use
this information to
make some
that would be
acceptable to
both parties.

As a manager, you will often have to negotiate directly with others within
your organization, but will also sometimes be asked to get involved as a
third party to try and help parties engaged in disputes to resolve their
conflicts. You therefore need to understand the principles of effective
mediation and how your role is different to that of other mediators.

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