
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Being firm and flexible
Master negotiators are firm
and clear about the issues
they must have, and flexible
on the issues they would like
to have.

Thinking strategically
Negotiations are rarely a
one-on-one business, so master
negotiators spend time analyzing
the interests of the “players” who
are not at the table, how the
power balance lies, and what
opportunities exist to increase
their own power.

Seeing the other side Master
negotiators know that they can only
present a good offer or trade-off if
they know what their counterpart’s
interests are. They are able to easily
shift from seeing things from their
point of view to seeing things from
that of the other party.

Investing in relationships
Master negotiators use all
possible opportunities to
nurture trust and develop
relationships, and make sure
that those connections
remain intact over time.

uniqueness Master
negotiators approach
every situation afresh
and are always ready to
modify their practices
and adapt themselves to
the specific conditions of
any ongoing negotiation.

Managing emotions
Master negotiators
make an active choice
to always monitor and
constructively control
their emotions.

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