
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Rewarding success
Try to understand whether each individual
you are managing values intrinsic or
extrinsic rewards more highly. If you
always praise achievements, for example,
a motivated person who excels largely for
the feelings of intrinsic satisfaction will
probably begin to view you as superficial.
The professional may think, “I know I did
a superb job on this project. Why is my
manager being so condescending?”
People also desire different types of
extrinsic rewards. Praise may be perfectly
acceptable to the person motivated by
affiliation and relationship needs, but
may do nothing for the person expecting
a more tangible reward, like money.
Typical extrinsic rewards are favorable
assignments, trips to desirable destinations,
tuition reimbursement, pay raises, bonuses,
promotions, and office placements.

Can I draw on my experience? YES NO

1 Can you think of a coach, teacher, or manager who motivated
you to enhance your performance in a particular task? ...............

2 Can you pinpoint what this person did to motivate you? ................

3 Can you remember how you felt as a result? ..................................

4 Can you recreate these actions or use the same approach
when trying to motivate your team? ................................................

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