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Reassure those you
are counseling that their
problems have solutions
and that they have the ability
to improve their situation.


Confidentiality is paramount
when counseling others:

people must feel that they
can trust you

92 %

of employees agree

that “negative feedback,

if appropriately delivered,

is highly effective at

improving performance”

Dealing with
personal problems
Getting someone to recognize that he
or she has a problem is often the first
step in helping deal with it. You can then
follow up by helping gain insights into
feelings and behaviors, and by exploring
the available options.
Sometimes people just need a
sounding board for releasing tension,
which can become a prelude to clarifying
the problem, identifying possible
solutions, and taking corrective action.
Talking things through in a counseling
session can help people sort out
their feelings into more logical and
coherent thoughts.
Above all, be supportive and provide
reassurance. People need to know
that their problems have solutions.
If problems are beyond a person’s
capability to solve, explain how
professional treatment can be
obtained, through employee
assistance programs, for
example, or health plans.

US_074-075_Helping_Others_Improve.indd 75 30/05/16 3:01 pm

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