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Defining the challenge

Understanding leadership

Leaders are made rather than born. And while a real
desire to lead is a prerequisite for leadership, the key
skills you need to lead can be learned. Leadership has
many facets and no simple definition: it is the ability to
inspire and encourage others to overcome challenges,
accept continuous change, and achieve goals; it is
the capacity to build strong, effective teams; and it
is the process of using your influence to persuade
and steer. Leaders set a strong example through their
own life principles; they achieve results but also take
responsibility for failure. A life principle may be a rule,
belief, or moral code that is important to you and
guides your decision-making throughout life.

If you thrive on thinking creatively, inspiring and guiding people,
experimenting with different approaches, and making intuitive
decisions, you are on the way to being a leader. However,
truly accomplished leaders also possess sound analytical
and problem-solving skills.

To be a good leader, stay close
to your team, and use your
judgment to move between
leadership and management
roles as necessary.



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