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Leading and managing
Leadership is a substantially different
role from management. A leader is
someone who makes decisions and
communicates bold messages, while
a manager implements strategies,
measures performance, and runs
systems. You probably aspire to be
called a leader rather than a manager.
Being a leader is exciting; being a
manager is mundane. Of course, like
most stereotypes, the statements above
contain a measure of truth, but sound
management requires some leadership,
and great leaders are—or at least know
what it takes to be—good managers.
When you move into a leadership
role you won’t and can’t abandon
managing altogether; to be credible as
a leader, you need to acknowledge the
past and what is currently happening, at
the same time as focusing on the future.

>>^ Learning quickly what motivates
team members
>> Asking your team for their view
on the situation
>>^ Thinking beyond what happens in
the short term

>>^ Knowing how to train and develop
your team

>> Setting standards to build a team
you can rely on

>> Thinking yesterday’s result will^
still count tomorrow
>> Being out of touch with your
own emotions
>> Not noticing what is going on^
around you

>> Not asking for feedback on your
leadership and ideas

>> Not keeping physically fit and
thinking positively

Do’s Don’ts

A leader makes decisions

and communicates bold
messages, a manager

implements strategies,
measures performance,

and runs systems


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