
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Assessing the benefits
Understanding and controlling your
inner self has some real applications
that benefit you and the organization:

-^ Being able to control your temper, to
elevate yourself from boredom, or
to turn dejection into positive energy
are all desirable abilities.
-^ Knowing that sad or negative moods
tend to make you focus on details,
while happy moods direct you to new
ideas and solutions, improves your
productivity, and time management.
-^ Confronting and analyzing your fears
may illuminate a problem you are
facing, so this may lead to a solution
and save you time.
Expertise in the key competencies
of Emotional Intelligence opens the
door to more sophisticated ways of
forming and sustaining productive
relationships. What’s more, these
competencies can be learned through
training and practice. So you will be
able to change your behavior in a
genuine, sustained manner.

>>^ Accurately identifying and categorizing your own feelings^
and the feelings of others.
>>^ Being aware, moment-by-moment, of what you are feeling.

>>^ Recognizing that how you feel influences how you think.
>>^ Knowing which of your moods are best for different situations.
>> Not letting others manipulate your emotions.

>>^ Using deliberate strategies to make your feelings—even
negative ones—work for you.
>> Harnessing emotions so that you can take positive actions,
even in the face of difficulty.

>> Recognizing that emotions provide information about others.
>>^ Being able to see a situation from another’s point-of-view.

>>^ Genuinely caring for others.
>> Showing real appreciation for peoples’ contributions.
>>^ Having others’ best interests at heart when setting goals.

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