
(Barré) #1

to look on: to watch as a spectator, to observe
o Hundreds of people were looking on as the police and firefighters
rescued the passengers in the wrecked train.
o I stayed with my son at his first soccer practice and looked on as the
coach worked with the boys.

to look up to: to admire, to respect greatly
o Children will most certainly look up to their parents if the children are
brought up well.
o Everyone looks up to the director of our department because he is a
kind and generous person.

to look down on: to feel superior to, to think of someone as less important
o People who are in positions of power should be careful not to look
down on those who work for them.
o Why does Alma look down on Mario just because his family is so poor?

to take off: to leave the ground (for airplanes); to leave, often in a hurry
The noun form takeoff derives from this idiom.
o The plane took off over an hour late. The passengers had to buckle their
seatbelts during takeoff.
o Do you have to take off already? You just arrive an hour ago!

to pull off: to succeed in doing something difficult (S); to exit to the side of a
o The group of investors pulled off a big deal by buying half the stock in
that company. I wonder how they pulled it off before the company
could prevent it.
o The motorist pulled off when the police officer turned on the red lights
and the siren.

to keep time: to operate accurately (for watches and clocks)
This idiom is usually used with adjectives such as good and perfect.
o Although this is a cheap watch, it keeps good time.
o The old clock keeps perfect time; it's never fast or slow.


to make do: to manage, to cope
This idiom is used when a person must accept a substitute that is not the most
o Pearl doesn't have a clean blouse so she has to make do with the one
she wore yesterday.
o During difficult economic times, many people have to make do with

to give birth to: to bear a human being or animal
o Jane's mother has just given birth to twin girls.
o The zoo's Siberian tiger just gave birth to a baby cub.

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