
(Kiana) #1

For a neat appearance of the fi nished item, it is very important to
work with even tension throughout.

Chain (ch)
Chains are the foundation of many crocheted items. Every chain
starts with a slipknot. Insert the crochet hook into the center of the
slipknot, grasp the working yarn with your hook and pull it toward
you through the slipknot (illustration 1).

Slip Stitch (sl-st)
Insert the hook through the corresponding stitch of the previous row
(or as instructed in the pattern), grasp the working yarn and pull it
through toward you. Pull it right away through the loop on the hook
(without making an additional yarn over); there is now only one loop
on the hook (illustration 2).

Single Crochet (sc)
Insert the hook through the corresponding stitch of the previous row
(or as instructed in the pattern), grasp the working yarn (yarn over)

and pull it through toward you. Now, yarn over again, hook the
working yarn, and pull it through both loops on the hook so you now
have one loop on the hook (illustrations 3 and 4).

Front Post Single Crochet (fpsc)
Keeping hook in front of work, insert hook from right to left around
post of previous row stitch, grasp the working yarn to create a yarn
over, draw up a loop, yarn over, pull working yarn through both loops
on hook.

Half Double Crochet (hdc)
Make a yarn over and insert the hook through the previous row stitch.
Yarn over again and pull it through toward you—you have three loops
on the hook. Make another yarn over and pull it through all three
2 loops; there is now only one loop on the hook (illustrations 5–7).






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