Your Build – Summer 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1



Annabelle Carvell from Stovax Heating Group talks about
opting for an electric fireplace and the benefits of owning one


arm glowing logs and
soaring f lames from
a real fire are ever
desirable, but if you
are after a year-round
glow, an electric fire
makes an ideal choice. Perfect for taking the
chill off summer evenings or creating a homely
atmosphere in winter, an electric stove or fire
suits any household, without the need for a

Designer flames
Electric fires and stoves come in a huge array
of different designs to suit any interior styling.
Whether you are looking for a freestanding stove
or an inset or wall-hung model, there are a host
of options available to you. Some fires come with
traditional f lame visuals, featuring a glow of
realistic logs, whilst others present unusual and
contemporary fuel beds for an alternative result,
such as the Vogue Midi electric from Gazco. This
electric stove comes with a choice of realistic

logs, clear and grey pebbles and a contemporary
Crystal Ice-effect, which when combined with
the range of colour changing lighting options
can create a truly bespoke display.

Smart features
Many electric models come with intelligent
control features to minimise wasted energy.
Fires such as the Gazco Skope offer adaptive
start control, which initiates heating on an
optimal start-up time so that the stove reaches
a certain temperature at a chosen time using
the minimum amount of energy required.
For example, to achieve a comfortable room
temperature of 20oC by 6pm when you return
from work, the adaptive start control will
predict the optimum time to switch on, rather
than it being heated up too early from the user
estimating incorrectly.
Some electric fires and stoves even feature
open window detection. A drop of 4oC or more
within five minutes will prompt the Gazco Skope
to automatically turn off its heat in order to save

energy, whilst still providing mesmerising f lame
visuals for ambience in the home.

On display
There is nothing more relaxing than watching
a fireplace in an evening when the light is
dimming. One of the biggest draws to an electric
log burner is their ability to offer a fireside
glow but without the heat. This allows for year-
round enjoyment, presenting the entire visual
ambience that comes with a fire even on the
warmest of evenings if desired.
An electric stove or fire also does not require
a chimney, and can generally be moved from
room to room if desired, depending on the level
of work in the installation. This makes them a
very f lexible product for localised heat where it
is needed.
Simply requiring a mains connection to a plug
point to function, an electric stove or fire offers
the whole package: striking visuals, a warm
glow, plus the ultimate in ease of installation.

Your Build Industry Insight

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