Your Build – Summer 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

4 Key Phases to Your Build...


Phase 1 - Footings & foundations
The Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning
explains why they developed the Wildlife
Assessment Check and the UK Rainwater
Management Association discusses why water
supply solutions should be a consideration when
designing a new home.

Phase 2 - Framing your build
Both Isover and Ecological Building Systems
discuss the importance of ensuring that a build
is properly insulated and provides a comfortable
environment to live in. The Structural Timber
Association provides some top tips for achieving
the best structural timber system.

Phase 3 - Interior & exterior finishing
We explore some of the latest trends including
broken-plan wetrooms and the revival of clay
quarry tiles. Formica Group looks at the role of
the kitchen and how to get the most out of the
space, whilst Dimplex provides expert advice on
preventing damp and condensation.

Phase 4 - Groundwork & landscaping
Paving and pathways are the topics covered in
this phase, with Bradstone discussing the design
considerations, and SureSet suggesting an easy
way to transform your garden.

Contents In This Issue





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