American Farmhouse Style – August 2019

(lily) #1
(opposite) Soft blue pillows tie in with the
framed paintings depicting water and
sailing boats. (above) Matching lamps
contrast with the mismatched side tables,
bringing together two of the main colors of
this room: one white, the other light wood.
The colors and patterns all tie together
seamlessly to create a restful, inviting room.


Alicia and Nick share a passion for design and a desire to create beautiful

spaces for their family. Growing up, Alicia was influenced by her mother’s

love for design and décor. “I would spend hours rearranging my furniture and

redecorating my bedroom,” she says. Nick likewise has had a lifelong love of

home. In recent years, he’s taken up woodworking and carpentry and has

contributed several handmade pieces to their home. They share their spaces

and projects on their blog, A Burst of Beautiful. “It’s been so wonderful to

combine our passions and work together,” Alicia says.

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