Popular Woodworking – August 2019

(Michael S) #1


Candle Stand

of the toe full-width. When you look
at the bottom of the feet they should
look trapezoidal. Using the spoke-
shave, round over the topside of the
leg from just below where they meet
the post, rounding progressively
more at the toe. Pay close attention
to the grain and reverse direction as
needed. A fi ne rasp can be used to fi -
nal shape the sharper radius areas. A
card scraper works well on the sides
and less-curved areas.
The feet have neat detail at the
bottom; a little pad that’s carved
from the lower part of the foot.

9 The eyeballed mortise layout
works well in this case.
10 The top and bottom of the mor-
tises are laid out with a machinist
square to make sure the vertical
location of mortises is the same.
11 Most of the waste is bored out
of the mortise with a^7 / 16 " auger.
12 Complete the mortises by paring
the walls to the layout lines.





Again, this is easier to execute than
you’d think.
Use a chisel to round the areas
above and below the cut. Here again,
keep a close eye on the grain as you
work to prevent chipping the foot or
the pad. The bottom edge of the pad
is rounded over as well.
The undersides of the legs are
fl at so there’s not much to do here.
Shave, scrape and rasp them smooth.
Once all the shaping is complete,
sand any areas that are still rough.
It’s much easier to sand the legs now
before they’re attached to the post.
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