Machine Design – May 2019

(Frankie) #1
High-Load Ball Screws





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fatigue failure analysis and statistical
life expectancy. Using a high-load ball
screw instead doubles the load capacity
and yields eight times the life, getting
more value out of the drive while reduc-
ing maintenance costs. It also lets man-
agers of each production unit adjust
the machine for higher load capacity,

longer assembly life, or some balance
of both.
Injection molding, pressing, and
metal fabrication machines require ball
screws to handle high loads in short,
precise strokes. The machines must
control accuracy and manage product
tolerances. An injection molding appli-

cation, for example, might require 400
kN of force over 500 mm, for which a
designer might traditionally specify a
more expensive roller screw. But that
high force is only required for maybe
the last 10 mm of travel, when the mold
is being compressed. The user, how-
ever, is still paying a premium to move
a high load across the full stroke. Sub-
stituting a high-load ball screw for a
roller screw means there is still power
to complete the final 10 mm, plus the
additional load-bearing potential gets
converted into an extended operational
Specifying high-load ball screws in
applications previously relegated to
roller screws can save money, extend
product life, or both. Any new appli-


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