cation will require careful analysis of
load capacity, product life, and cost,
which may uncover some applications
well suited to roller screws. But given
new ball screw technology advances
that increase their load-bearing capac-
ity, it is now wise to consider high-
load ball screws in any application for
which you might’ve previously consid-
ered a roller screw.
pecifying high-load ball screws in applications previously
relegated to roller screws can save money, extend product
life, or both. Any new application will require careful analysis of load
capacity, product life, and cost, which may uncover some applications
well suited to roller screws.
Ball screw-driven horizontal and vertical
axes are used in large fabrication machines
which move heavy loads accurately and
safely. This ensures a long and reliable life
with minimum maintenance.
In injection molding and metal fabrica-
tion machines, ball screws handle high
loads in short strokes. They also provide
the needed accuracy and tolerances.