Australasian Bus & Coach – May 2019

(Darren Dugan) #1 May 2019 ABC^39

Werunaquality fleet
with greatstaff, so we see
qualityas ourcompetitive

A computerised
fleet has seen the
company adjust to
diagnostic scan tools.

Opposite, Top
and Bottom:
Melissa attended
the Young Leaders
Seminar organised
by BusNSW recently;
Marshall’s places
great emphasis
on looking after its
staff, thinking of
them as family.

There is very little sleep for
Melissa who is trying to get
herself up to speed with studies
in transport management and
tourism – all for the better for the
future of the business.
Her grandparents and her
family are her greatest inspiration
who have put in the hard
work to get the business to its
current state.
“I want to keep it going
for another generation and
if I have children, possibly
another generation after that,”
Melissa said.
“Their hard work and
dedication early on allows me
the luxury of being in, and
continuing, the business.”
However, there was never
any pressure for her to join the
family business.
“I was always interested,”
she added.
“Always around the buses,
cleaning and questioning my

granddad on why he was doing
that, constantly asking and
always interested – I think
I always had a business brain.”
Melissa plans to step it up
next year when her aunty and
uncle retire.
Some of the similarities she’s
noticed between the generations
is the family focus and their old
school business methods.
“Obviously I’m a young female
in a generally male dominated
industry but we are lucky that
my nan, mum and aunty, who
still drives, all used to drive so we
don’t have an issue with male
staff looking down on me in this
industry because they set the
path previously.”
She plans to continue on with
that tradition by getting a licence
this year.

Melissa keeps on top of new
trends by attending innovative

industry networking.
Having recently attended
the Young Leaders Seminar
organised by BusNSW, she
was one of 25 up-and-coming
industry professionals who
shared their ideas on where the
direction the bus industry is
headed in the state.
“At the forum, we were all
there from different companies
and sometimes we compete for
the same quote and, therefore,
we become competitors, but
basically at that forum no-one
in that room felt like they were
competing. They were very
generous with their time and
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