Australasian Bus & Coach – May 2019

(Darren Dugan) #1 May 2019 ABC^43

Locally, the Denning brand has been

synonymous with quality and performance

in its Australian history and its buses often

came with features well before their time.

ABC magazine headed to Victoria’s Driver

Bus Lines to see its amazing Classics

Heritage Fleet – and this beaut DenAir

Mono caught our eye.


hether we are talking
to operators or
drivers alike it seems
that Denning is
one of those iconic
companies that many ‘busies’ are drawn
to. With the apt advertising slogan “If you
looked twice it’s a Denning”, today’s drive
of this 1983 GM Denning DenAir Mono –
Number 955 is a nostalgic trip back to a
time when many of us probably did look
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