Windows Help & Advice - USA (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1


Edit and sync

notes securely

“Joplinis theperfectnote-taking
tool. Get started with this powerful

e’ve spent a long time trying
to find the perfect note-
taking service, and we’ve
finallystruck gold in the form of
Joplin.It’sfree and open source, plus
works across all major desktop and
mobile platforms – including Android
and iOS – so you can access and
update your notes from anywhere.
When it comes to syncing notes,
you’re fully in control: you choose
which cloud platform to use and can
optionally encrypt your notes to
provide an extra layer of protection.
You can also add note-clipping
capabilities to your Firefox or Chrome
web browser. Last, but not least,
Joplin is perfect whether you want to
record quick text-based notes or
emulate the rich features found in
Evernote, from fully styled text to
support for images and file
attachments. Joplin is everything you
ever wanted in a note-taking tool

  • readontostartusingit.

1 Install Joplin
Open your browser, go to – scroll
down the page for the download link. The ‘Get it on Windows’ link
is a traditional installer or you can click on the ‘Portable version’
link for a single self-contained file (JoplinPortable.exe). If
installing, you can choose to install it for just yourself or other
users of your PC too. Once installed, let Joplin launch.

2 Review user interface
The annotation reveals how Joplin organises your notes
using a series of notebooks, with keyword tags available to help
produce filtered views. Start by clicking the ‘New notebook’
button to store your first related set of notes in. Give it a suitable
name and click OK. If you need another layer of organisation, you
can create notebooks to nest inside other notebooks too.

Step-by-step Set up, use and sync notes


Organise your notes
into notebooks
(drag them into
other notebooks
for another layer
of organisation).

Take the time to add
keywords to your
notes to create
more ways to
organise and filter
the list of notes.

Each notebook is
made up of notes as
well as to-do lists,
which you can tick
when done to mark
as completed.

If you’re storing
notes online or
syncing with other
devices, click here to
manually back up or
sync your notes.


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