Windows Help & Advice - USA (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1

9 Add a transition
Unless you’re doing it for deliberate effect, it’s generally a
bad idea to move between very different clips without some sort
of transition such as a fade or a wipe. To add a transition between
clips, right-click on the bit where the two clips meet each other
and you’ll see the Sequence pop-up. Select Transitions > Add and
choose the one you want. You can adjust its settings here too.

Insert your first clip
To make your video, you need to put the component parts
on the timeline. It’s like LEGO for video: you put one clip here,
then another one alongside it, and another after that. Drag your
first clip to the very beginning of the timeline. You’ll see that
Lightworks shows three things, not one, here: the bit on the V1
row it the video, while A1 and A2 are its left and right audio tracks.

Import the clips
It’s not immediately obvious, but the videos in your Local
Files panel aren’t added to your project until you import them. To
do that, select them and click on the Import button in the lower
left hand corner. This can sometimes make your PC look as if it’s
crashed, especially on lower-powered PCs, but be patient: the
process can take a few minutes, especially with long, hi-res video.

10 Add video without audio
So far all our video clips have included their own audio, but
sometimes your video will come without any audio at all. As you
can see, two of the three clips here don’t have audio tracks. You
can easily add audio by importing it and dragging it to the
timeline, or you can click the microphone icon immediately below
the preview (it’s in the strip of small icons) to record a voiceover.

Add another
Most video projects are made of multiple clips joined
together. Drag your second clip onto the timeline, just after the
first one ends: when you get very close it’ll snap to the end of the
first clip so there’s no gap. Once again we have three tracks here,
one video and two audio. Lightworks colour-codes each of your
clips so it’s easy to see which one’s which.

6 Enter editing mode
You’ll now see the three-panel view shown here: clips in the
top left, preview at the top right and the project timeline at the
bottom. Don’t worry if you don’t have any videos of your own to
edit: you can do what we’ve done here and download royalty free
videos from These videos are available for you to use
anywhere for free, including commercial use.

42 |^ |^ November 2019

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