Windows Help & Advice - USA (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1

Fire up the program and you’re
presented with a screen asking
which drive you would like to scan
for recoverable data – you then
just need to hit the Scan button.

3 EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free

There are no options to configure,
but if you know exactly where a
file has gone missing from, you
can specify a folder to scan.
Results are presented in an

Explorer-style view which is easy
to navigate, but unfortunately
there is no indication of the
quality of files that have been
found – although a preview
option is available. You can select
the files you’re interested in, and
restore them.
It’s worth noting that the free
version of the program only lets
you recover up to 2GB of data
(500MB by default, but this can be
increased from within the
program) before you have to
upgrade to the paid-for version.

Something of a stalwart of the
data recovery genre, Recuva has
managed to build up a dedicated
following – and it’s not hard to see

4 Recuva


why. The program can recover
data from hard drives and
memory cards, and even iPods.
While some data recovery tools

make this easy by having a simple
interface, Recuva takes things
further and guides you through
the entire process with a wizard.
You can perform a lengthy deep
scan to track down all recoverable
data, or you can limit the search if
you’re looking for something
specific – and it’s nice to have
this flexibility.
A downside is the heavy
promotion of the Pro version of
the app, but if you can turn a blind
eye to this, you have a powerful
tool on your hands – and you can
probably live without support for
virtual hard drives anyway!


The friendly,
accessible face
of file recovery.

Recuva’s secure
deletion means
data can stay lost.

Software Test

Best free file recovery software

(^) November 2019 | | (^89)

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