Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-04)

(Antfer) #1

22 Watercolor artist | APRIL 2019

Lovers(on pages 20-21), from the “Working South”
series, portrays a quilter from Berea, Ky. The portrait
exemplifies Whyte’s keen ability to relate to the intense
dedication sensitively—as well as to the worries and
difficulties—faced daily by workers across industries
large and small. Whyte’s forte lies in her ever-persistent
need to refine her compositions until they reveal a
greater story. “I had her husband hold up the quilt as
she walked back and forth in front of it while I
photographed her,” says Whyte. “I was particularly
interested in studying her hands and arms. Later, I
redesigned the idea, lowering the quilt and fitting the
composition into a square format, which enabled me to
connect the bent ‘S’ shape of the subject to that of the
young lovers.”
The subject told Whyte that she made the quilt when
she and her husband were first married, inspired by the
“Cherry Blossom Riddle Song” or just the “Riddle Song.”
The song is an English folk tune brought over by early
settlers to the Appalachian Mountains.Often sung as a
lullaby, it’s about the perplexities of life.
Loversis at once a painting of a highly skilled quilter
and artisan, as well as an allegory of youth and old age,
of both young and enduring love. These abilities to tell
a story visually, so personal yet so universal, place
Whyte’s work securely in the realm of great American
genre painting.

“I like the neighborhood atmosphere of Charleston,”
Whyte observes as she explains her concept and process
in creating Blue Plate (above). “We have small grocery
stores and a lot of diners, and beautiful, old, historic
buildings with large windows, like the site where I did
this painting. Th e wonderful north light coming in on
my model made the highlights and skin tones cool and
the shadows warm.”
Whyte was eating breakfast at one of her beloved
diners one morning, enjoying the people-watching and
general hubbub in the kitchen. She was struck by the

Blue Plate (watercolor on paper, 23x33)

Blue Plate (fi nal thumbnail)
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