Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-04)

(Antfer) #1
ArtistsNetwork.com 51

Jasmine Huang
New Taipei City, Taiwan

Q What’s the meaning behind the
painting’s title?
A Th e inspiration comes from the aspi-
ration within myself. I believe that when
chasing dreams endlessly, an inner force
will emerge with the light of hope.

Q Describe your process for painting
the work.
A I worked on Arches 140-lb. hot-
pressed paper. Since the background is
painted loosely, I didn’t have to depict
too much detail in the focal area. After
determining the basic composition
of the painting, I allowed the paint to
fl ow freely. During the process, I continu-
ously corrected imperfect forms and
lines. Once the bottom layer met my
satisfaction, I gradually moved on to the
center of interest. Even when working
on an area of detail, I always pay atten-
tion to its relationship within the whole.

Q Did you encounter many problems
while painting it?
A Mature painting techniques come
from the accumulation of experience; no
one is able to paint a watercolor well at
the very beginning. When facing a white
sheet of paper, I feel only excitement—
not fear. Th e true fear appears when the
painting is about to be completed. At
that stage, I’m afraid that a small mis-
take will ruin all the previous hard work.

Q What do you hope to accomplish
in your paintings?
A I want to paint beauty—the kind of
beauty that people want to look at over
and over again. Th is kind of beauty cannot
be obtained simply by copying a subject.
It’s diffi cult to achieve, but it’s these
challenges that fascinate painters.

Q Do you feel your work has been
evolving? If so, how?
A Th oughts evolve with age. I’m now 50
and not as impatient as I once was. I’ve
learned to refl ect on what life gives, and
that’s what aff ects my work. I now focus
on striking the interesting balance
between abstraction and reality.

The Light of Hope
(watercolor on paper,


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