Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-04)

(Antfer) #1

54 Watercolor artist | APRIL 2019

Dean Mitchell
Tampa, Florida

Q What inspired this painting?
A Th ere’s an energy to a city environ-
ment that’s diff erent from the rural
area in which I grew up. But, as a
teenager, I lived in Philadelphia for
three or four years, and the urban
energy became part of my psyche.

Q What was your painting process
for the piece?
A I fi rst drew sketches and did quick
studies to get familiar with the space,
so I’d be able to paint it very rapidly,
yet still capture the essence of the
forms and energy.

Q Did everything go according
to plan?
A You don’t ever know how things
are going to turn out. That’s why
I work on watercolor board; if things
don’t go well, I can always gesso
over it—especially when working
in watercolor. It’s such a capricious
medium; it changes as I’m painting.
It’s like a living organism, and it
demands constant decision-making.
There are no set rules.

Q What’s most important in
making a successful painting?
A What makes a great work of art is
an artist’s connection to the work. If
there’s no real connection and no real
intimacy, it may be a good rendering,
but it’s not a good painting. Th e
beauty of art is that it’s elusive.

Q What has been infl uencing your
work lately?
A Th e news has an eff ect on me. Th e
world at large has an infl uence on my
work and what I’m thinking. I’m con-
stantly observing what’s going on in
everyday life and refl ecting those
ideas in my work.

Q What do you love most about
working in watercolor?
A Th e diffi culty of it! I was scared
when I fi rst started working with
transparent watercolor. It forces you
to be totally consumed and immersed
in it, because if you’re not, it shows.
I like its unpredictability. I like trying
to control it and yet not control it. It’s
magical, really.

“A ‘symphony in gray.’
One of Dean’s gifts is his
ability to add value to
anything he paints. In
this case, a mundane
building becomes a
monument. Finding
beauty in the common-
place adds to our
awareness and our
appreciation of our
daily lives.”— J.S.


Juror of Awards

John Salminen (johnsalminen.com) is a world-renowned watercolor artist and
teacher. A signature member of many art societies, including the American
Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society and the Transparent
Watercolor Society of America, he has won more than 200 awards in national and
international exhibitions. Salminen has exhibited his work in many one-person and
small group shows in the United States and has been an invited artist in more than
40 international watercolor exhibitions and small group shows in China, Taiwan,
Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Russia, Mexico, Italy, Belgium and Australia.
The artist lives in Minnesota with his wife, Kathy.

Urban Streets of New York
(watercolor on board, 15x11)
Free download pdf