Xbox - The Official Magazine - UK (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1
ABOVE Cal will
have to face
down big beasts
as well as
Imperial elites.
RIGHT We didn’t
do that... who
do you think we
are, Starkiller?

BELOW That’s a
slightly younger
Saw Gerrera,
from Rogue One
in the middle






Suprisingly, the Unreal engine is
powering Jedi: Fallen Order. Over the
last few years, EA has adopted the
Frostbite engine, designed to power
the Battlefield games, for nearly all
of the publisher’s games, while
Respawn has previously worked
using a custom Source engine.
According to director Stig Asmussen,
it was Unreal’s flexibility, and its
ability to “let a lot of people wear a
lot of different hats” when the team
was initially quite small, that won the
day. One of the advantages of Unreal
is that it is easy to quickly implement
and test ideas, particularly useful for
small development teams.


The Big Bad of Jedi: Fallen Order is
called the Second Sister. A member of
the Jedi Order who turned to the Dark
side of the Force, she became an
Inquisitor for Darth Vader, tracking
down any remaining Jedi threats. That
means she’s been tasked with
hunting down Order 66 survivor Cal
Kestis. The Second Sister is clearly a
bad egg on account of her black
masked helmet that gives off a very
Darth Vader, Kylo Ren kinda vibe.
We’ve seen much more of this She-
Vader in a recent trailer, where she
appears to be a formidable foe with
lightning speed and serious ‘saber
skills. There’s also a Ninth Sister, a
hulking inquisitor with chin tusks.



Jedi: Fallen Order is set in the
year 19 BBY – 19 years Before
the Battle Of Yavin. The forest
moon of Yavin was the location
of the Rebel base at the end of
Episode IV, and narrowly
avoided being on the end of
the Death Star’s planet-killing
super-weapon when Luke
bullseyed that exhaust port in
his X-wing. Twenty-two years
before that saw the events of
Episode III: Revenge Of The
Sith, and the terrible slaughter
of the Younglings at the hands
of Republic Clone Troopers.
Fallen Order protagonist Cal
Kestis was one of the young
Padawans lucky enough to
escape the slaughter, and
three years on from that he’s
back and able to take revenge
against what has now become
the Galactic Empire.

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