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(Antfer) #1

52 | New Scientist | 12 October 2019

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Cryptic crossword #16 set by Sparticle Quick quiz #24 Puzzle set by Ben Sparks

#25 Car crash maths

Two cars of the same model, one blue,
one yellow, are on a motorway in the UK.
The blue car is in the inside lane travelling
at 70 miles per hour*, which is the speed
limit. The yellow one is speeding in the
outside lane at 100mph.
At the instant when they are neck and
neck, both drivers see a fallen tree across
the road some distance ahead. Both
immediately brake, each applying the
same constant braking force. The blue
car manages to stop centimetres short of
the tree. To the nearest 10mph, at what
speed does the yellow car hit the tree?
a) 10mph
b) 30mph
c) 50mph
d) 70mph
Use your intuition (particularly if you
are a driver) to have a guess. Then work
out the answer to see if you were right.

* Alternatively, call the starting speeds
70 kilometres per hour and 100km/h, the
number in the solution will be the same.
Answer next week

#24 Three stamps


a) To allow all postage values up to
15 cents using no more than three
stamps, the choice of 1¢ and 5¢ stamps
is obvious. That leaves the values 4, 8, 9,
12, 13 and 14 unaccounted for, which
can be solved by choosing 4¢ as the third
stamp. So you need to choose 1¢, 4¢
and 5¢ stamps.
b) To make all postage values to 24¢
with four stamps or less, choosing 1¢,
4¢ and 8¢ stamps is sensible. To cover
the values not possible with those, the
fourth stamp must be 7¢.

1 What name is given to the
sudden appearance of most
animal lineages in the fossil
record starting around
541 million years ago?

2 Soft body parts fossilised
in which rock formation in
the Canadian Rockies are
crucial to understanding that
sudden shift in life on Earth?

3 Which US palaeontologist
and science populariser’s
1989 book Wonderful Life
brought those Canadian
fossils to wider attention?

4 What name, referring
to their three major body
sections, is given to an
extinct group of marine
arthropods characteristic
of the period in question?

5 What dismissive name is
sometimes given to a long
period of apparent stasis in
evolution, starting around
1.8 billion years ago, before
the emergence of animals?

Answers below

Crossword #42

ACROSS 1 Altered States,
8 Yeti, 9 Betelgeuse, 10 Foetus,
11 HackBook, 12 Westworld,
14 Sine, 15 Tank, 16 Eddington,
20 Pumpkins, 21 Oil rig,
23 Branestawm, 24 Thaw,
25 Bernstein test

DOWN 1 Anemone, 2 Twist,
3 RuBisCO, 4 Dutch elm disease,
5 Telica, 6 Trembling, 7 Systole,
13 Tin opener, 15 True rib,
17 Iron man, 18 Oxidant,
19 Miosis, 22 Litre

Quick quiz #24

brian explosionThe Cam 1

The Burgess Shale 2

Stephen Jay Gould 3

Trilobites 4

The boring billion 5





7 One who fishes can be
obtuse medic (6)
8 Overly sentimental morally
suspect beetle (6)
9 Wager indigenous wildlife,
inferior in pack life (4)
10 Geological period concealed
Monty Python’s alternative
Messiah (8)
11 Unpredictable task, a
sudden movement (7)
13 Fool Armageddon trial (5)

15 Cordon off a wetland love
affair (5)
17 Natural material belongs
to me, the Queen’s
Scottish residence (7)
20 Stick to mature geological
splitting (8)
21 Portable surface intended
for beam (4)
23 Meet poem to conceal
messages (6)
24 Rubbish used for fishing
gemstone (6)

Answers and the next quick crossword next week.

In this Tectonic crossword, every answer is formed by the
subduction of one word under another. For example, CLIFF might
subduct under ROCK to form CROCK. The traditional definition is
always at one end of the clue, and clues to the two subducting
words appear in the same order as their answers.

1 Bet worker or queen, for
example, Indian currency (4)
2 European mountain,
destination of the Odyssey’s
star South American
mammal (6)
3 Rock playwright Bertolt’s
intelligence service (7)
4 Did the breaststroke, not
down marshland (5)
5 Support fathers’ facial hair (6)

6 The almighty New Orleans
dish mountain (8)
12 Mathematician Bernhard:
“throw out white wine!” (8)
14 Pretend to have been fouled,
push, go separate ways (7)
16 Stable part of the Earth’s
crust splits a lot (6)
18 Complete doorway anger (6)
19 Gemstone surface confronts
1982 alien (5)
22 Top primate fornication (4) Get in touch
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