
(jair2018) #1

290 Chapter 4 The Potential Equation

on the assumption thatis small anduis much smaller thanU 0. Using
this boundary condition and the condition thatu(x,y)→0asy→∞,
set up and solve a complete boundary value problem forφ,assuming
29.By superposition of solutions (αranging from 0 to∞) find the flow past
awallwhoseequationisy=f(x). Hint: Use the boundary condition

v(x, 0 )=U 0 f′(x)=







30.In hydrodynamics, the velocity vector in a fluid isV=−grad(u),where
uis a solution of the potential equation. The normal component of ve-
locity,∂u/∂n, is 0 at a wall. Thus the problem

∇^2 u= 0 , 0 <x< 1 , 0 <y< 1 ,

( 0 ,y)= 0 , ∂u

( 1 ,y)=− 1 , 0 <y< 1 ,


(x, 0 )= 0 , ∂u

(x, 1 )= 1 , 0 <x< 1 ,

represents a flow around a corner: flow inward at the top, outward at the
right, with walls at left and bottom. Explain why, in a fluid flow problem,
it must be true that ∫


ifuis a solution of the potential equation in a regionR,∂u/∂nis the
outward normal derivative,Cis the boundary of the region, andsis arc
31.Under the conditions stated in Exercise 30, prove the validity of (∗).
Hint: Use Green’s theorem.
32.The Neumann problem consists of the potential equation in a regionR
and conditions on∂u/∂nalongC, the boundary ofR. Show (a) that


is a necessary condition for a solution to exist, and (b) ifuis a solution
of the Neumann problem, so isu+c(cis constant).
33.Show thatu(x,y)=^12 (y^2 −x^2 )is a solution of the problem in Exercise 30.

  1. a. Show that the given function is a solution of the potential equation.

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