
(jair2018) #1

76 Chapter 1 Fourier Series and Integrals

The examples clarify a couple of facts about the meaning of sectional con-
tinuity. Most important is that a sectionally continuous function must not
“blow up” at any point — even an endpoint — of an interval. Note also that a
function need not be defined at every point in order to qualify as sectionally
continuous. No value was given for the square-wave function atx=0,±a,
but the function remains sectionally continuous, no matter what values are
assigned for these points.
Afunctionissectionally smooth(also,piecewise smooth)inanintervala<
x<bif:f is sectionally continuous;f′(x)exists, except perhaps at a finite
number of points; andf′(x)is sectionally continuous. The graph of a section-
ally smooth function then has a finite number of removable discontinuities,
jumps, and corners. (The derivative will not exist at these points.)Between
these points, the graph will be continuous, with a continuous derivative. No
vertical tangents are allowed, for these indicate that the derivative is infinite.


1.f(x)=|x|^1 /^2 is continuous but not sectionally smooth in any interval that
contains 0, because|f′(x)|→∞asx→0.
Most of the functions useful in mathematical modeling are sectionally
smooth. Fortunately we can also give a positive statement about the Fourier
series of such functions.

Theorem. If f(x)is sectionally smooth and periodic with period 2 a, then at each
point x the Fourier series corresponding to f converges, and its sum is

a 0 +


n= 1









=f(x+)+ 2 f(x−). 

See an animated example on the CD.
This theorem gives an answer to the question at the beginning of the section.
Recall that a sectionally smooth function has only a finite number of jumps
and no bad discontinuities in every finite interval. Hence,






son, iffsatisfies the hypotheses of the theorem, we writefequalto its Fourier
series, even though the equality may fail at jumps.
In constructing the periodic extension of a function, we never defined the
values off(x)at the endpoints. Since the Fourier coefficients are given by in-
tegrals, the value assigned tof(x)at one point cannot influence them; in that

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