Ultimate Cross Stitch Christmas - UK (2019-10)

(Antfer) #1

Special stitches


Diamond eyelets are

created by working

a series of stitches

around a central hole

in a diamond shape.

The tighter you pull the stitches, the larger

the eyelet hole will become. To begin, bring

the needle out at the very top of the diamond

eyelet, and take it back down through the

fabric again in the central stitch. Then, up

again at the top of the next arm, working in

either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.

Take the needle back down through the same

central stitch as before, and repeat around the

circle, enlarging the hole slightly each time.


Bring your needle up through the fabric at

the point indicated on the chart and make

a straight stitch, bringing the needle down

a few squares away. Bring the needle up

through the centre again and make a second

straight stitch, following chart for the exact

positioning. Repeat until all of the straight

stitches are complete.


Similar to an eyelet stitch, a spider web

stitch is a number of straight stitches coming

from the centre. Follow the chart to find the

number of straight stitches used and you’ll

see that Faby has used five. Next, bring the

needle up near the centre and under the

nearest straight stitch from right to left. Wrap

the straight stitch with thread to secure and

repeat with each straight stitch. Pull the

thread gently so as to keep the shape of the

spider web. To finish, bring needle back down

through fabric under one of straight stitches.

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