- 1.2m (1¼yd) each of two
cream print fabrics (appliqué
background) - 1.2m (1⅜yd) light blue tone-on-tone
print fabric (appliqué, Border 2 and
binding) - 30cm (⅜yd) light blue print fabric
(appliqué) - 30cm (⅜yd) each of two dark blue
print fabrics (appliqué) - 1.1m (1¼yd) beige print fabric
(Border 1) - 35cm (⅜yd) each of two mid dark
blue tone-on-tone print fabrics
(Border 1) - 35cm (⅜yd) mid blue print fabric
(Border 3) - 1.2m (1⅜yd) blue on white print
fabric (Border 4) - 4.2m (4⅝yd) backing fabric
- Batting at least 215cm (82in) square
- Fusible web
- Stranded embroidery floss to match
the appliqué fabrics - Rotary cutter, ruler and mat
- Sewing machine with ¼n foot
- General sewing supplies
From each of the two cream print
fabrics, cut:
- six strips, 6½in x width of fabric.
Cross cut them to yield 34
squares, 6½in of each fabric
(appliqué background)
From the light blue tone-on-tone print
fabric, cut: - six strips, 1½in x width of fabric
(Border 2) - eight strips, 2½in x width of fabric
From the beige print fabric, cut: - 10 strips, 2in x width of fabric.
Cross cut two strips to yield 16
rectangles, 2in x 4½in. Trim the
remaining eight to measure 2in x
40½in (Border 1) - eight strips, 2¼in x width of fabric.
Cross cut them to yield 128 squares,
2¼in (Border 1)
From each of the two mid dark blue
tone-on-tone print fabrics, cut: - three strips, 3½in x width of
fabric. Cross cut them to yield
32 squares, 3½in of each fabric
(Border 1)
From the mid blue print fabric, cut: - seven strips, 1½in x width of fabric
(Border 3)
From the blue on white print
fabric, cut: - seven strips, 5½in x width of fabric
(Border 4)
Small flower blocks
Trace four A petals, four B leaves
and one C flower centre from the
Pattern Sheet onto the paper side of
the fusible web, leaving at least ½in
between them. Cut the shapes out in
Fuse the four A petals to the
wrong side of the light blue
tone-on-tone print fabric and the
four B leaves and the C flower centre
to the wrong side of one of the dark
blue print fabrics. Cut the shapes out
accurately on the traced lines.
Fold a 6½in square of a cream
print fabric in half horizontally
and vertically and finger press light
creases. Unfold. Then fold the fabric in
half on each diagonal and finger press
light creases. Unfold.
Peel the backing paper off the
four A petals. Position them on
the cream square, centred over the
diagonal creases with their outer tips
2⅝in from the centre of the square, as
shown in Diagram 1.
Peel the backing paper off the
four B leaves. Centre them on the
horizontal and vertical creases with
their outer tips 2⅝in from the centre
of the square. Peel the backing paper
off the C flower centre and position it
Diagram 1
2 ⅝in
(^2) ⅝