Quilters Companion - AU (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1
strips and position the strips so that
the side that you’ve stitched ricrac to is
facing the bag. See Diagram 11. Check
that the position of the strips on the
front of the bag matches the position
of the strips on the back of the bag.
Stitch across the ends of the strips
several times using a ⅛in seam.


Slide the folded panel that you’ve
stitched the casings to over the
bag and down over the appliquéd
panel, with the side that you’ve sewn
the casing matching the right side of
the bag. The folded edge of the panel
should be lying over the appliquéd
panel and the raw edges should match
the top raw edge of the bag. The
handles will be sandwiched between
the bag and the folded panel. See
Diagram 12.


Pin the layers together around
the top edge of the bag, then sew
them together using a ¼in seam. Flip
the panel with the casings on it up so it
lies above the seam you’ve just sewn.


Place the outer bag into the lining
‘bag’. The right sides of the outer
bag and lining fabrics should be facing.
Match the side seams and top raw
edges. Sew around the top edge using
a slighter smaller stitch for added
strength. If you have a walking foot for
your machine, you might wish to use it
for this seam to make sewing through
so many layers of fabric easier.


Turn the bag right side out
through the opening in the
bottom edge of the lining. Turn the
raw edges of this opening in and hand
stitch it closed.


Press the top edge of the bag.
Insert a tie into one end of a
bodkin or insert a safety pin in one end
of a tie. Thread the bodkin/safety pin

through one casing on one side of the
bag and then through the other. Tie a
knot in each end of the tie to prevent
it from being drawn back inside the


Repeat with the second tie, but
this time start from the other
end of the first casing and thread
it around the bag in the opposite
direction. When you’ve loaded your
project inside the bag, just pull up the
ties to gather the top together.

Diagram 9

Diagram 10

Diagram 12

Diagram 11






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