Android Advisor - UK (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1

navigation enabled. If you don’t, it will revert to the
old interface. I assume that’s due to the navigation
bar getting in the way of Assistant’s new home,
but that’s a weird requirement since Android 10 is
keeping the old method around.
Even more confounding is the new Assistant’s
inability to play nicely with G Suite for Business
accounts that are separate from whatever Google
account you set for the phone’s main profile. Even if
there’s a dormant secondary G Suite account on your
phone, it will block the new Assistant from showing
up for some reason, and it won’t appear unless the
second account is completely removed. And in true
Google fashion, there isn’t any warning or explanation,
soG Suiteusers might not even realize they’re missing

The new Assistant on
the Pixel 4 is faster
and less intrusive

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