Computer Shopper - UK (2020-01)

(Antfer) #1



@xset soff,@xset -dpms,@xset snoblank,
@rhythmbox-clientat theend. Press Ctrl-O,
Enter and Ctrl-Xtosave. Then entersudo
rebootand you should see the Pi reboot and
automatically launch Rythmbox.
Unfortunately,there’s no waytoforce
the fullscreen Party Mode layout, so you’ll
have to do that manually.Open the Settings
menu (the cog in the top-right), open the
Viewmenu and then tick Party Mode.

If you have some wireless speakers that
can be controlled through aweb browser,
you can use aPi-poweredtouchscreen to
make aneat control console.Rather than
install amusic player,weinstead need
to use aweb browser.Chromium(the

open-source web browser upon which
Google’s Chrome is built) has akiosk
mode,sothat’s what we’ll use.
SSHintothe Pi and enter
sudo apt-get install -y
unclutter.This also installs
the Unclutter app to hide the
mouse cursor and make the
final build abit neater.Once
Chromiumhas installed (in the
latest version of Raspbian, it
already is) you can edit the
autostart file.Add ahash
before the @lxpanel and

@xscreensaver lines (totell Raspbian to
ignore those lines), and then add the
following to the end of the file:

@xset soff
@xset -dpms
@xset snoblank
@sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly": false/
"exited_cleanly": true/' ~/.config/
@chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --
kiosk http://<ip.address> –incognito

Thepenultimatelineensures that your
console recovers neatly if it fails,while the
switches (the commands followingthe
double-dashes) forChromiumin the last
line suppress warnings and again make the

Party Mode
gives you a
full-screen music
player that’s

⬆ZenPoint’s DigitalCenter software turns your
Windows PC intoajukebox

⬅Volumio turns aPiintoa
wireless Apple AirPlayspeaker
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