Let F : £ x [O, T] ---+ £ be a continuous map such that F (.,., t) : £ ---+ £ is
fiber-preserving for each t E [O, T], and F (-, x, t) : Ex ---+ Ex is Lipschitz for
each x E Mn and t E [O, T]. Let K be a closed subset of E. Then we can
state the following result from [59]. Although it is quite general, we still call
it a 'tensor maximum principle' because we shall apply it in the case that
g (t) is a solution of the Ricci flow and E is a tensor bundle.
THEOREM 4.8 (tensor maximum principle, second version: ODE gives
pointwise bounds for PDE). Under the assumptions above, let a (t): 0:::; t:::;
T be a solution of the nonlinear PDE
{) A
such that a (0) E K. Assume further that:
• K is invariant under parallel translation by V ( t) for all t E [O, T];
- Kx ~Kn 7r-l (x) is a closed convex subset of Ex ~ 7r-l (x) for all
Then if every solution of the ODE
dt a= F (a)
a (0) E Kx
defined in each fiber Ex remains in Kx, the solution a (t) of the PDE remains
in K.
There are two important generalizations of this result which will be
useful for us. Both are proved in [33] (though some special cases appear
in Hamilton's work). In the first, one allows the set K to depend on time,
obtaining a time-dependent maximum principle for systems.
THEOREM 4.9 (tensor maximum principle, third version: ODE controls
PDE in time-dependent subsets). Adopt the assumptions above, allowing
K(t) to be a closed subset of E for all t E [O, T ]. Let a(t): 0 St ST
be a solution of the nonlinear PDE
{) A
at a = 6.a + F (a)
such that a (0) EK (0). Assume further that:
- the space-time track UtE[O,T] (K (t) x { t}) is a closed subset of E x
• K ( t) is invariant under parallel translation by V ( t) for all t E
[O, T); and
- Kx (t) ~ K (t) n 7r-l (x) is a closed convex subset of Ex for all
x E Mn and t E [O, T].