.. 1.
(div M)i ~ V'^1 Mji = Y'jV'i\J^1 f - 2,V'iV'jV'^1 f
k 1 1
=Rik V' f + 2 \Jit::,.f = 2 (RV'd + V'iR).
Thus when R > 0, the gradient Ricci soliton equation (5. 7) implies that
V'(log R + J) = 0, hence that log R + f is constant in space. More generally,
regardless of the sign of R, we have
0 = 2(div M)i = V'iR + (R - r) V'd + r\Jd
= V'iR + 2\Ji\Jj fV'jf + r\Jd =\Ji ( R +IV' fl^2 + r f).
Hence on any Ricci gradient soliton, there is a function C (t) of time alone
such that
F ~ R +IV' !1^2 + r f = C.
Since F is constant in space on Ricci gradient solitons, we expect quantities
related to it to satisfy nice evolution equations. In fact, we may always
assume that the potential function f itself satisfies a nice equation.
LEMMA 5.12. Let Jo (x, t) be a potential of the curvature for a solution
(M^2 , g (t)) of the normalized Ricci flow on a compact surface. Then there
is a function c (t) of time alone such that the potential function f ~ Jo+ c
satisfies the evolution equation
(5.10) a/= !:::,.f + r f.
PROOF. By Corollary 5.5, we have gtt::,. = (R - r)!:::,.. Thus when we
differentiate (5.8) with respect to time and use equation (5.3), we obtain
(R-r)^2 +t::,.(:/o) = :tR=/::::,./::::,.fo+R(R-r),
which implies that
/::::,. ( :tfo) =/::::,.(!:::,.Jo+ r Jo).
Since the only harmonic functions on a closed manifold are constants, there
is a function '"'( ( t) of time alone such that
a/o = 1::::,.fo + rfo + 'Y·
The lemma follows by choosing c (t) ~ -ert J~ e-rT'Y (T) dT. D
REMARK 5.13. Our normalization for f differs from that introduced
in [60]. Compare the result above with Definition 4 .1 and the evolution
equation derived in Section 4.2 of that paper.
Applying the maximum principle to equation (5.10) yields a useful esti-