and its average scalar curvature by
--'- fMn Rdμ
P--c- V.
If g is a Ricci soliton, then (2.3) implies that
- 2 Re= Cxg + 2>.g,
whence we get the divergence identity
n>.+R= 8X
by tracing. Integrating this identity shows that
hence that p = -n>.. It follows that the average scalar curvature of a soliton
that is respectively expanding, steady, or shrinking must be respectively
negative, zero, or positive. This is not surprising, because applying Lemma
3.9 to the corresponding self-similar solution implies that
dt log V ( t) = - p ( t).
PROPOSITION 5.20. Any expanding or steady self-similar solution of the
Ricci flow on a compact n-dimensional manifold is Einstein.
PROOF. We consider the corresponding solution (Mn,g(t)) of the nor-
malized Ricci fl.ow. (See Section 9 of Chapter 6.) Because g (t) flows by
diffeomorphisms, there exists a one-parameter family of 1-forms X (t) such
1 8 p
-2 otg = Rc-~g = Lx~9·
Thus by Corollary 6.64, we have
. 8 2 2p
- (\7 R, X) = -£xR = otR = ~R + 2 jRcl - -;;:R,
which implies that the identity
(5.15) ~R + (\7 R, X) +^2 jRcj^2 -
p R = 0
holds identically in time.
Now assume g (t) is an expanding or steady self-similar solution. Then
p (t) :::; 0 as we observed above. Replacing Re by Re -~g, one finds that
equation (5.15) is equivalent to
(5.16) ~ (R - p) + (\7 (R - p), X) + 2 IRc -~gl
+ ~ (R - p) = 0.
By (5.16), at any point x E Mn such that R (x, t) = Rmin (t), we have
2 !Rc-~ 91
+ ~ (R-p):::; o.